Friday, March 25, 2016

Spring into Spring

Hello my dear art readers,
Can't wait for the Spring weather to hit. I want to get out there and do some En Plein Air. This will be new territory for me to explore. I've always said I would someday. Well, why not now. I think it will be exciting, a new experience.
Painting from life, either in the studio or outdoors bridges the gap between what you see as an artist and what you feel. I think it is a way of approaching any subject in a personal and engaging way. It a way to take a vision and translate it into an expressive, poetic painting that elicit an emotional response from your viewer.
I am also getting ready for a Spring Show at Kent Art Association in Kent, CT. I am on the Board and right before a show there are lots of tasks that have to be done beforehand. The current show is underway which will soon lead to the new. I thought this one went well and looking forward to the next.
I've added some new on-line web sites to my repretoire and with that comes much time on the computer. I am now on  and  also,
Yes, I have been busy!
Check them out. I'm excited to be on these.
So, until later my friends,

Saturday, March 5, 2016


Pricing.... Yikes. This is a dreaded topic to so many, including myself. But, at some point, it has to be addressed, especially if your marketing. There are so many articles on this subject. So many thoughts, strategies.

I've had to reprice my paintings lately to reflect commissions. I try to be fair to my buyer and myself. I take a lot into consideration and always am consistent.

I use a chart, actually two. One for current paintings (last several years to present) and one for older works (with some exceptions).

Coming to grips with pricing is a hard thing for artists. You have to weigh in a lot of things. For example; labor, materials, expenses, experience, to mention just a few. It is complicated and time consuming. Finding that right price and method can be an experience. It is a personal one, one that only the artist can do. What might work for one artist, many not work for another. So, my suggestion is to read up on this topic for tips, do all you can and see what happens.

Take care my dear art friends.