Monday, July 18, 2016

Drawing, back to basics

Hey my art readers,

I recently picked up another drawing class. So, it's been drawing, drawing for me. It has been challenging, frustrating and fun. 

Part of getting better at a skill is knowing your weakness. Mine is drawing. I know to get to that next level is to improve on my drawing. In order to build a good house, you need a good foundation. Creating a good drawing foundation will provide an artist with the skills to move forward. It will take hard work, many hours of honing in on developing a new skill.

Painting has now taken a back seat for a while. While it has been tough to do because I love painting so much, I've been spending my time drawing, doing my homework. I get to sneak a painting in now and then. But, I know like anything else, you get back what you put in.

Take care.