Sunday, December 13, 2015


I think this topic is a spin off from my post about goals. Consistency, it is key in pursuing your goals. No matter what you're in to, if you want to be good at it, most likely it will be consistency that will get you there. Sometimes, it's hard at first, as we all know, especially, if it is some thing you really don't want to do. After a while, you don't think of it so much, you just do and take action. It becomes habit, like muscle memory. Of course, there may be other things you may have to look into in order to achieve what you want. For example, it may require taking more classes or workshops so you know the steps. After you get that, it's a matter of practice, practice, practice.

I look on others websites/blogs to see how they acquired successes. Sometimes it seems unattainable but it's not. I think, it is a matter of identifying what you need to do, list steps, network and ask questions. It is hard work, but who says it would be easy.
There are forums that also can help encourage you in your endeavors. If you are an artists looking for critiques or just a little camaraderie from your fellow artists of all levels, try this website.
I have found this forum very helpful at times. Every ones trying to help to the best of their ability.

I hope we all find what we are looking for and where we want to be. It will take persistence and dedication. So, keep at it, and you will succeed!!!

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