Thursday, December 10, 2015

Team Rocket

Today, I think I will start off tweaking my "Team Rocket" painting. It is a fun little painting of characters from Pokemon. My kids, well when they were kids, loved this. They had all the figures, cards, DVD's, etc. They never played with Barbies or GI figures. All they had and wanted was Pokemon and were happy campers. So, I got up in the attic were they are stored and got some of them out to paint. The colors and shapes of the figures are fun. Although, I know I'm targeting a small group of buyers for a subject as this, I still occasionally will do one. I like to paint what I want first. Then if it sells, it sells. If not, that's ok too. But, first and foremost, the subject matter has to interest me. Otherwise, what's the purpose. I feel if one goes ahead, whether it be commissioned or not and do something they are not in to, it will show up later in the finished results. I have in the past been asked to do commissions but I have turned them down. My husband asks why not? Well, it is for this very reason. Also, I've heard from an instructor I once had that it was a real pain in the you know where.
                                                                    "Team Rocket"
                                                                           5" x 7"
Later, I'll start to think of a new subject matter for the next painting. I'll then arrange the composition/light and sit on it for a while to make sure it is the best I can arrange. Then, I will start the drawing. Once the drawing is done, which could take a day or so depending on the size, I'll start to paint. The painting stage varies from a day for the small ones to several or longer depending again on size and complexity. After it dries completely which can be several weeks depending on humidity of air and thickness of paint, also, what paints I've used, I varnish with retouch. If I still have the painting longer than a year, I'll put a final varnish.

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